Saturday, August 11, 2012

Creepy Crawlies & Winged Things

And now, let's go indoors...

 This deer looks to be in better shape than the deer I saw near our campsite.  Well, except that he's dead...

 And while you're trying to figure out who you're rooting for - the bobcat or the flicker - you might feel sort of sorry for both of them, seeing how they both ended up stuffed!


Live Snakes!

 Look at this beauty - a copperhead.

And a teeny beauty - a pygmy rattler (only gets to 15-20 inches).

 Some of these snakes are so pretty they remind me of jewelry!  Doesn't this speckled kingsnake look like some fancy necklace or something?  This guy can grow to pretty long (36-48"), but he's non-venomous and for all you snake-o-phobes, this guy actually eats poisonous snakes!  Kingsnakes are found all over the country and come in different colors and patterns (stripes, rings, etc.).  They are very beneficial snakes to have around, so DON'T KILL THEM!!!

 And here's a cutie who's wondering what's going on beyond his aquarium walls - a bull snake.  Sadly, this guy does a very good impression of a western diamondback, which may help him in some cases but often leads to his demise in run-ins with humans.  He can flatten his head to imitate a viper head, can assume a strike posture, and fake a hiss-rattle.  While I don't want anyone to get bit by a venomous snake, I also don't want everyone killing these other poor, harmless snakes (actually I'm not into them wantonly killing rattlesnakes either)!!!!  I wish there weren't so many people for whom the only good snake is a dead snake!  If it weren't for guys like these, we'd be overrun by rodents!  Just like the folks who hate bats - hope they like malaria, dengue, yellow fever, encephalitis, and all the other mosquito-borne diseases!  OK, I'll get off my soapbox...but just for a minute!

 And now back outdoors to meet their other critters, like their resident bald eagle (whose wing had been damaged, necessitating captivity).

Mmmm, yummy, nothing like raw catfish!

 I think this was a barred owl.

 And this my friends was - astonishingly enough - a butterfly!  Don't ask me what kind - the pretty kind!

 And some little grasshopper type...

 And a bluebird I was spying on...

 And more of those pretty butterfly guys...


 Other side...

And bzzzzzzz...

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