Sunday, August 26, 2012


On May 24th, we moved to Checotah, OK, home of country singer star Carrie Underwood, and Onapa RV Park.

 First thing was dinner out, at a cute little Mexican restaurant nearby called El Jarocho.  I loved their colorful decor, including these neat tabletops.  Very artistic and each one different - you know me, I would've taken a photo of each table if everyone wouldn't have given me a super strange look as I asked them to move all their food...! 

Bill enjoying the starter fare.

 Scratty and Tractor make themselves at their old home in a new park.

 OK, so this photo might not be for everyone.  "I HATE spiders" people (Marilyn...!) might want to just move on to the next shot...

But for the rest of us, you'll definitely want to click on this photo so you can see a larger version.  All those little yellow dots on this spider's back?  They are all babies!!!!!  Yup, this is Mommy Spider!  I was amazed and astonished when I spotted her in the flashlight beam - and then looked more closely - one night!  We saw her out on consecutive nights too!  She was doing a great job at avoiding all the dangers roaming the area (lawn mowers, cars, feet, paws,...!!!).  It was a special treat for us to see such a rare sight of nature!

 Tractor and Bill begin the entertainment rounds at Onapa.

 Nah, they don't like their "job..."

 A happy duo...

 The Onapa RV Park is owned by a really sweet family.  Mom, Dad, two girls, one boy, and one puppy.  Here, the youngest practices on his bike.

 As an onlooker...  

 Tractor makes it look so easy!

 The quiet road outside the park.  It leads to Eufaula Lake, which I walked down to one evening.

 Eeuw!  A washed-up, stinky fish.  

 Don't know what kind it is, but man, look at those little spiky teeth!

 Serene sunset.

 Boat ramp.  Check out the water color - Eufaula is a brown water lake.  OK is interesting in the range of lake colors!  Brown, blue, green.  Clear, opaque.

Onapa's owners.  Shannon, Chris, and Eli (the girls were already out for the day).  They are relatively new owners to the park and have made tons of improvements and work their tails off every single day.  And you couldn't ask for more responsive, nicer managers!  Good folks and a good park.

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