Saturday, July 14, 2012

Museum of...Osteology!

One more cool (and very unusual) OKC thing::  this museum - of bones and skeletons!  This really great exhibit started with a young kid (Jay Villemarette) who would find and keep skulls, his collections eventually being honored in science and state fairs.  He then began selling skulls, and ended up with a very unusual and growing business.  This nicely-done museum is both interesting and educational, attracting tourists and school groups.  For more info. see here:

 Ever wonder what a turtle looks like on the inside?  They are vertebrates, but their spine is sort of incorporated into their shell.

 And here are some weird ones - two-headed calves.

 And what kind of monster do you think this is?  With those long fangs?!!

 It's a baboon!  Lesson:  don't mess with baboons!!!!

 And what are these oddities?  Are they more deformed specimens?  They look like it, don't they?  But they are your dogs!!!  Boxers, bulldogs, pugs, and pomeranians!  Yikes!!

 Check out these teeth!  Ever seen anything like these before?  Very weird!!  They belong to creatures like the leopard, and crabeater, seals!  Apparently the strangely shaped molars help to filter krill (and for the killer leopard seal, catching and holding prey).

 And here's my favorite!  These folks sure know their critters!!!!

 Bill standing next to what must be a small elephant.

 Hippo.  Did you know that this guy is considered to be one of the most aggressive critters on the planet and one of the most dangerous in Africa?   Hippos, most closely related to whale-types, kill hundreds of people each year.

 Humpback Whale (right) and Pygmy Sperm Whale.

 Man vs. Giraffe.

 And speaking of giraffes and weird things...

 And one of my favorites - bats!

 Snakes have awesome skeletons!!!

PC disclaimer..

Amazing autograph!

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